Dia munidal do livro infantil

A dois de abril comemora-se o dia mundial do livro infantil. Este é o dia do nascimento de Hans Christian Anderson e é uma forma de chamar a atenção para um escritor tão importante para o universo infantil e para o valor e importância do livro no crescimento das crianças.  

O IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) - Grécia é o patrocinador oficial do Dia Internacional do Livro Infantil em 2023. O tema escolhido foi "Sou um livro, lê-me". 

O poster oficial resulta da colaboração entre o autor Vagelis Iliopoulos e o ilustrador Photini Stephanidi. Juntos, quiseram celebrar o poder dos livros para crianças, na promoção dos valores de igualdade, diversidade e inclusão, bem como no relacionamento entre as pessoas através da tolerância e compreensão mútua. 


I am a book, read me.
by Vagelis Iliopoulos
I am a book.
You are a book.
We are all books.
My soul is the story I tell.
Every book tells its own story.
We can look quite different –
some big, some small,
some colourful, some black and white,
some with a few pages, some with many.
We may say similar or completely different things,
but that’s our beauty.
It would be boring to be all the same.
Each of us is unique.
And each of us has the right to be respected,
to be read without prejudice,
to be given space in your library.
You may have opinions about me.
You may choose to question or comment on what you read.
You can put me back in the library
or hold me close and travel with me a long way.
But never let someone throw me away
or send me to another shelf.
Never ask for my destruction, nor allow anyone else to do.
And if a book ever comes from another shelf,
because someone or something drove it away,
make room.
It fits next to you.
Try to feel as it feels.
Understand it. Protect it.
You may be in its place tomorrow.
Because you are a book too.
We all are books.
Come on, say it loud so everyone can hear you.
«I am a book, read me.»